YNU’s Initiatives for SDGs
MAB/PES Workshop: Third Remote Seminar
Lecture by Vice President Satoru Sadohara held on March 30, 2022
Electrochemical Energy Devices
Prof. Takuto Araki, Faculty of Engineering Science
Eco-Campus Report 2021 Cover Design Contest
Yokohama National University, Facilities Department
Yokohama National University Declaration on Gender Equality
June 2015
How to use renewable energy smartly in the future?
Prof. Hiroki Hondo, Faculty of Environmental and Information Sciences
Ecological Risk Management
Prof. Fumito Koike and Prof. Hiroyuki Matsuda (Faculty of Environmental and Information Sciences), and others
Food nitrogen footprint reductions related to a balanced Japanese diet. Ambio
Prof. Hiroyuki Matsuda, Faculty of Environmental and Information Sciences
Remote Conference of International Port-City University League
International Workshop on Ocean Sustainability held on April 28 and 30, 2021
Progress of SDGs and YNU
Summary of SDGs Activities in Yokohama National University in 2021
SDGs Kamishibai Project 2021 − SDGs Ambassador Activities by Yokohama National University Students −
Assistant Professor Kumiko Kawachi, Assistant Professor Kiyoko Uematsu (International Strategy Organization)
UDCSEA Yokohama Marine Environment and Future City Research Group
Prof. Hiroyuki Matsuda, Faculty of Environmental and Information Sciences
Activities in Global-Local Education and Research Center
Prof. Keiji Ujikawa, Faculaty of Economics
Vision that YNU COI aims for
Prof. Fumihiko Nakamura (Previous Vice President) Faculty of Urban Innovation (Current: University of Tokyo)
Class held in the University of Danang in Vietnam by the staffs of Yokohama National University
Assoc. Prof. Tomoyuki Shimono and Prof. Takuto Araki (Faculty of Engineering Science)
Assoc. Prof. Kazumi Matsui (Faculty of Environmental and Information Sciences)Basic research on offshore power generation, mooring, and very large floating structure
Professor Motohiko Murai at Graduate School of Environmental and Information Sciences
YNU-DEEPS “Deep-sea Resource Exploration and Environment Protection Study” (SIP 2014-2018)
Prof. Hiroyuki Matsuda, Faculty of Environmental and Information Sciences
SDGs ✕ Local to Global Youth Engagement Seminar 2021
the International Strategy Organization and the office of YNU Spring Program
Eco-friendly renewable and sustainable energy system
Prof. Daisuke Narumi, Faculty of Environmental and Information Sciences
Frequency Regulation in Power System with Wind Power
Assoc. Prof. Takao Tsuji, Faculty of Engineering Science
Medical Devices and Robots
Assoc. Prof. Tomoyuki Shimono, Faculty of Engineering Science
Yokohama National University Declaration of Diversity
Initiative for the Implementation of the Diversity Research Environment (Leading Type)
Yokohama National University, Tokiwadai Symbiotic Campus
Nature-based Solutions for Climate Change
Assoc. Prof. Akira S. Mori, Faculty of Environmental and Information Sciences
Towards the Future with Yokohama and the Kanagawa Region
Showing a future for the region that inherits and evolves over the generations Next Urban Lab
International Conference on “Blue Carbon Ecosystems for Sustainable Development with Special Emphasis to Mangrove Ecosystems”
January 11 – 13, 2023 at Yokohama National University and Hakkeijima Sea Paradise
YNU’s education programmes contributing to integral marine management
Prof. Hiroyuki Matsuda, Faculty of Environmental and Information Sciences
Satoyama ESD Workshop Festival (Nov. 20, 2022, Nov.19 2023)
YNU Satoyama ESD Research Base (Associate Prof. Kaoruko Kurata, Faculty of Education/Interfaculty Graduate School)
MAB/PES Workshop: First Remote Meeting
held on January 26, 2022
MAB/PES Workshop: Second Remote Seminar
Lecture by Professor Miguel Clüsener-Godt held on March 2, 2022
The 2nd Marine Ecolabel Japan Association Workshop “Aiming for Japan’s Seafood that shines worldwide” Chair’s Comments by Hiroyuki Matsuda on December 2019
Prof. Hiroyuki Matsuda, Faculty of Environmental and Information Sciences
Large-scale water saving measures at Tokiwadai Campus
Improvement of membrane filtration system —Design of filter and interface structure—
Assoc. Prof. Kazuho Nakamura, Faculty of Engineering Science
If a Typhoon hits your town / Hourly wind directions
Prof. Hironori Fudeyasu, Faculty of Education
Hult Prize —Student-led initiatives for the SDGs “Hult Prize Campus Final @YNU—
Student project supported by International Strategy Organization at YNU
MAB/PES Workshop: Extra Remote Seminar (#1)
held on April 4, 2022
Pre Satoyama Art Festival 2023
Prof. Kenichi Haraguchi and Assoc. Prof. Keisei Kawachi, Art Education Course, Faculty of Education
Port-city Universities League (PUL)
YNU Project for the Next-Generation Development of Seeds to Create a Sustainable Future through the Whole-University Approach: YNU ESD for Diversity
College of Education, The ESD Project
YNU Tokiwa Forest was certified as a Nationally Certified Sustainably Managed Natural Site (OECM) ー Exhibition: Consider “Now and Future” of YNU Forest
Nationally Certified Sustainably Managed Natural Site "YNU Tokiwa Forest" and the problem of alien species (Sponsored by Biosphere unit at the Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences (Laboratory of Biocultural Diversity), Oct 14-31, 2024)
SDGs Game Workshop@YNU –Experiencing inter-relationships between the world and a self.
‘Global human resources and sustainable development’ course
UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), and Japanese activities
Prof. Hiroyuki Matsuda, Faculty of Environmental and Information Sciences
Project of Improving Living Conditions for Rural Women in Paraguay — JICA Partnership Program
—Spinning a Dream Together from Yokohama
Environmental Report
Yokohama National University, Facilities Department
YNU International Symposium 2023 “Sustainability Transformation(SX) ~the Basic Concept and Diversity of Actions~”(Sep 13-14, 2023)
YY Extension Lecture Series “Our Lives and the SDGs”
co-sponsored by YNU and the Yokohama Bureau of Yomiuri Shimbun
Citizen science and transdisciplinary approach
Prof. Akiko Sakai, Prof. Hiroyuki Matsuda (Faculty of Environment and Information Sciences), Assoc. Prof. Taku Nohara, and Assoc. Prof. Satoshi Yoshida (Institute of Urban Innovation)
Computational Mechanics of Materials and Microstructures
Assoc. Prof. Kazumi Matsui, Faculty of Environmental and Information Sciences
Self-healing Materials
Prof. Wataru Nakao, Faculty of Engineering Science