Yokohama National University declared to promote initiatives to achieve the SDGs in March 2020, making efforts to raise awareness and encourage action university-wide.
Yokohama National University Declaration on SDGs
Endorsing “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” (adopted by the United Nations in September 2015), and rediscovering the roles it should play as a university to help achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) laid out in the agenda by taking into account the activities of national and local governments, businesses and other players related to the SDGs, Yokohama National University hereby declares that it will promote university-wide initiatives oriented towards achieving the SDGs in its educational and research activities based on the principles: “Be Active,” “Be Innovative,” “Be Open” and “Be Global,” as enshrined in its charter. Yokohama National University will also widely practice and communicate the results, both inside and outside Japan, including business-academia collaboration, regional partnership and international cooperation.
President, Yokohama National University
March 2020
Progress in education can be seen in the increase of courses including SDGs in the syllabus.

This website shows examples of YNU’s actions to pursuit the SDGs.
YNU Global Education for Sustainability
This website shows educational programs focusing on sustainability.
YNU Environmental report
The Environmental report is published since FY2001 in collaboration of the entire university.
The first English digest version is published for the FY2020 edition.

YNUDiversity Strategy Promotion Headquarters
Launching the Diversity Strategy Promotion Headquarters in April 2020, YNU carries out various initiatives with respect to diversity based on the “YNU Declaration of Diversity Promotion.
Researchers corresponding to each SDGs goal can be searched in
“YNU Researchers (Database)”
For progress in respect of each goal, please refer to the followings:

The entries are not necessarily related to the goal page they are posted.
SDGs1 No poverty

Eco Campus Report 2021Cover Design Contest
Third Prize
◆Graduate School of Urban Innovation Section
◆Naomi Yamada
SDGs2 Zero hunger

Eco Campus Report 2021Cover Design Contest
SDGs3 Good health and well-being

Eco Campus Report 2021Cover Design Contest
Second Prize
◆YCCS Program
◆Alisha Savaira
SDGs4 Quality education

SDGs5 Gender equality

SDGs6 Clean water and sanitation

Eco Campus Report 2021Cover Design Contest
Grand Prize(First Prize)
◆College of Urban Sciences, Department of Architecture and Building Science
◆Kakuru Oda
SDGs7 Affordable and clean energy

SDGs8 Decent work and economic growth

Eco Campus Report 2021Cover Design Contest
Special Prize
◆Student of School for Special Needs Education
SDGs9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Eco Campus Report 2021Cover Design Contest
Special Prize
◆Yokohama Junior High School
◆Kanon Takahashi
SDGs10 Reduced inequalities

SDGs11 Sustainable cities and communities

SDGs12 Responsible consumption and production

SDGs13 Climate action

SDGs14 Life below water

SDGs15 Life on land

SDGs16 Peace, justice and strong institutions

SDGs17 Partnerships for the goals

Acknowledgements:We are greateful to the entrants of the Eco Campus Report 2021 Cover Design Contest for their kind understanding and cooperation. November 2021