We held the YY Extension Lecture Series “Our Lives and the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)” co-sponsored by Yokohama National University and the Yokohama Bureau of Yomiuri Shimbun on Jul. 26, Aug. 9 and 23, 2019. Many people from outside the university participated in this lecture series. Teachers in each specialized field explained in an easy-to-understand manner what can we do to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in Sep. 2015 and to realize societies that “leave no one behind.”
President of Yokohama National University
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are now a global challenge that requires thought and acton with a wide perspective and curiosity from the standpoints of national governments, local municipalities, private companies, and individual citizens. We at YNU have Colleges of Education, Economics, Business Administration, Engineering Science, and Urban Sciences here on the Tokiwadai Campus and conduct research and education in a broad range of fields covering both arts and sciences. Capitalizing on this strength, in the YY Extension Lecture Series, professors from various specialized fields present lucid lectures on the relationship between our lives and the SDGs in contents designed to help participants embrace the SDGs as their own challenge. We are pleased to partner again this year the Yokohama Bureau of Yomiuri Shimbun−a newspaper keen to contribute to society−to deliver new stimulating knowledge.
Mr. Hiroyuki Yokota, Chief of Yokohama Bureau, Yomiuri Shimbun
In 1972, an international NGO called Club of Rome created a sensation with its report titled The Limits to Growth. “If the present growth trends … continue unchanged, the limits to growth on this planet will be reached”−the authors’ warning was a slap in the face for humanity exultant over technological advances and economic development. The study was commissioned amid rising concerns about explosive population growth, resource depletion, and environmental pollution. All of these issues seem to be increasing in severity in recent years, and current efforts to achieve the SDGs present a direction for avoiding a global collapse. The YY Extension Lecture Series this time approaches such global issues through familiar topics. Join us in an event full of fascinating lectures.

Our Lives and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are set forth in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015. They consist of 17 Goals and 169 Targets that promise to leave no one behind. A notable change from the previous Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is the significant role of developed countries. In Japan, the SDGs are even included in charters of corporate behavior. The 17 Goals are related to one another, meaning comprehensive initiatives are the key. This series explore what we can do to realize a society that leaves no one behind.

July 26 (Fri) 16:30-17:30 Prof. Reiko Matsubaguchi, College of Education
The SDGs and Their Relation to Our Lives: Change the World by Ethical Consumption Connecting Everything
What do you care about when you buy something? Our daily consumptions are related to global issues such as environment and disparity problem (Goal 12: “Responsible consumption and production” in the SDGs). Here, I will explain the recently attracted idea of ethical consumption.

July 26 (Fri) 17:30-18:30 Prof. Yumiko Ehara, Institute of Urban Innovation
Gender Equality and Initiatives at YNU
How we define the problem of gender equality? Let’s survey the issues of and initiatives to counter gender-based violence and poverty in different countries, and assess the situation in Japan by way of international comparison. Let’s also look at the initiatives at YNU from the viewpoint of higher education necessary for realizing gender equality.

August 9 (Fri) 16:30-17:30 Dr. Ayami Otsuka, Waseda University, Current: Tokyo Kasei University
Approaching Sustainable Lifestyles from the House
As users of energy, we individual citizens can make choices that help the construction of an energy conserving, low carbon society. In developing countries, energy is an issue associated with poverty reduction, education and gender. Let’s try approaching sustainable lifestyles through the familiar example of our house.

August 9 (Fri) 17:30-18:30 Prof. Shinya Matsumoto, Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences
Hidden Environmental Impact of Smartphone. Let’s Reconsider Our Lives in Life Cycle Viewpoint
Global warming and reduction of CO2 emission are important issues in the world. How should we tackle these issues? What exactly does “environmentally friendly” mean? This seminar will be a great opportunity to consider the relationship between environmental issues and our own daily life based on mass-consumption of products and energy.

August 23 (Fri) 16:30-17:30 Prof. Daisuke Narumi, Graduate School of Environment and Information Sciences
Environment and Energy Issues and Risk Symbiosis
To maintain human activities, we have to consume energy, which causes depletion of resources, global warming, and air pollution. The nuclear accident caused by the great east Japan earthquake has shaken the foundation of Japan’s energy policy. From the viewpoint of risk symbiosis, let’s consider how the future energy system should be.

August 23 (Fri) 17:30-18:30 Prof. Hironori Fudeyasu, College of Education
Can You Survive in Typhoon Islands?
Though weather forecast has increased accuracy, severe damage from typhoons is endless. As far as we live in Japan, we should regard typhoon as a marvelous existence attacking us always and prepare for prevention and mitigation of disaster. I will explain the recent tendency and evolution of typhoon, and the development of a typhoon hazard map.